Make sure that the package is installed from the correct repository. The apt-cache policy command displays information about the installed package, including the version and the repository it was installed from. Run the following command: apt-cache policy usbutils The next step is to check the package information of usbutils. If it doesn’t return anything, it means the command is indeed not found. If it returns a path, it means the lsusb command is available on your system. The locate command searches for files in a database that matches the search pattern.
Checking the ‘lsusb’ Commandīefore we proceed to the troubleshooting steps, let’s first check if the lsusb command is indeed not available on your system. If you’re getting an error message that the command is not found, it could mean that the usbutils package is not installed on your system, or the system is unable to locate the lsusb executable. This command is part of the usbutils package. The lsusb command in Ubuntu is used to display information about USB buses in the system and the devices connected to them. Downloading the ‘lsusb’ Utility for Windows.